Sunday, March 25, 2018
Thursday, March 23, 2017
New Hollywood fine art images in my Etsy shop .... Hollywood Portraits contact Bloomington Il.
Friday, November 25, 2016
Wednesday, December 03, 2014
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

the right interior is always one of my favorite assignments, many can require days of lighting
and working the shots, this one was done in less than an hour. more often than not great existing
lighting is incorporated into the photo capturing the perfect image.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
palm beach and miami
phone palm beach fl 561 801 8669
Friday, October 15, 2010
4 grand a day is easy, contact me to work on your portfolio

take your best shot

work on your portfolio, the cities are full of modeling assignments, all ages, men women and children, with a good portfolio you can easily have a pesky waitress job while getting booked for the next gap campaign, i know a 45 year old model who sells printing full time in miami and takes a vacation day to do a sandals ad and makes
$ 4,000 for a days work. book a portfolio job with me and i will work with you on an all in one day or several days ongoing to edit down to the best choices for your book. i'm in central il now, with a great studio, have a condo in palm beach and favor miami beyond description. work in chicago and south florida a lot. give my cell a call 309 824 9176
and smile with your eyes, stock photography, amy rocks, what is stock

stock photography is just that. bill gates is, getty images is, yes, the grandson of the oil tycoon. among hundreds of others who broker images to publishers, ad agencies, designers, and businesses and organizations of all kinds from the new york times to your local bank brochure. stored in digital files searchable by many key word descriptions, from brain surgery to kid on a trike and every theme in between
e mail me images if you would like to be included in my model files for stock photo shoots, beauty sells, character sells, uniqueness, photo buyer needs are endless, fashions change, hair, eye wear, cars, desk top computers, are all dated, and millions of images are kept for the communications industry to tap into on an as needed basis, at usually a new york minute pace. most models from kids to seniors
do stock work on a tfp or trade for prints basis. many sit in files for years and never get used, others may be on your next cell phone package. nobody really knows. its usually good for both the model and photographer. stock prices to photo buyers have changed drastically since the internet has made searching and delivery so fast,
time is money and prices are cheaper than ever. as a model its great to get practice
or a breakthrough image for your portfolio. i hear all the time we need health care and seniors images from stock houses. whole crews have taken shoots at schools to build education images. everything is done with a signed model release. drop me a few jpgs at
ceo telefonica usa, i photographed at a secret location in front of a server traffic control room screen, unmarked warehouse in miami, fl usa

i love the image for two reasons, its not a double exposure, and it has no computer manipulation. how did i do it, look for that in my forthcoming book, or better yet
give me a call at 561-801-TONY. email
ceo's start selling in the boardromm

miami ceo
north light is hard to beat
north light is hard to beat, i packed heavy for this boardroom location shoot. once on location in the board room with more lighting gear than i knew there would be time for, i'm drawn to the bank of north windows and with an eye for a perfect diffusion of overcast conditions the light was sweeping in better than any possible lighting modification setup. with a reflector to bounce back some of this quality light, the best light source of them all, almost always would be my first choice, especially under any time constraints which ceo's tend to have. its crucial not use direct sun so weighing the conditions of light direction and diffusion creates beautiful images every time. a roll of provia through my hasselblad, and another through my canon, and in 30-40 minutes its a wrap.
condo king jorge perez just landed on forbes 400 list and hes taking calls in the middle of my photo shoot, imagine that. no problem.

experience the power

Sunday, October 10, 2010
beautiful women make beautiful pictures. lori with shades has been on many of my business cards an old friend i'm glad i encouraged her to move to fl.

often a great image is a moment which i capture, a benefit of a professional shoot,
it seems if 36 images are created or 3600 images are created, a few are always going to pop off the light box. if there is a problem with digital, that would be it, often
a photographer will see his lcd screen and think hes got it. when in fact the mystery of not always knowing what you have on film is exactly what keeps you working a shoot. a lot of film and lab costs will be saved, a lot of unworked images will go by the way side and never be captured. for sure many more will be made by knowing angles and lighting are working faster. i like 3 hour shoot sessions when working, and shoot hundreds of images from set to set and change to change. fashion,
beauty, portfolio, head shots, i love them all, call or write, 309 824 8176 ,
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
commercial & portrait photography on locations, palm beach fl, delray beach, miami, all of south fl, call 561 801 TONY,

portfolios /family /children/ grads/ executive/ commercial/
Friday, August 01, 2008

There are so many new ways to present fine art photography today. With my vast archive of the local area, I am looking forward to blowing up some prints in many types of papers, canvases, finishes, and so on. I really don’t see any end to the possibilities with digital photography today.
I will be offering, limited edition prints in the larger sizes, limited to 10, 50, 150, and many open editions.
Fine art note cards, will have signed original prints. Suitable for framing, sending, or collecting. They will be offered in a wider variety than I have ever done before. They will be available in sets as well as individually. The current retail is $3.99
commercial usage of the images are available as well.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
pricing information location portraits, commercial, palm beach, delray beach,
please call for a quote. 561-801-TONY
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Friday, January 05, 2007
extra extra read all about it portraits executive family commercial palm beach boca delray beach

aerials of bloomington / normal / mclean county are being planned for 1 trip a month. starting the week of march 12, 2007
assignments are welcome for your property.

schnucks, carries a full line of anthony saluto photography note cards featuring original prints
Friday, August 25, 2006
about this blog .. palm beach delray beach boca commercial family portraits
Friday, June 23, 2006
portrait and commercial pricing
when prints arent needed / p r / business / professionals / entertainers
p r head shots ..
c o m m e r c i a l
interiors, exteriors, illustration, table top, documentary, aerials, etc.
commercial shoots, aerial, construction, interiors, exteriors, illustration, documentary, advertising, table top, events, etc. vary based on the job and the usage of the images please call for a quote. 3 hours to anywhere, travel costs ,coast to coast additional.
no minimum on poses you can buy, lots of unique sizes & finishes , prints ala carte , family artleather albums in many sizes flush mounted.

finishing services .... options
lots of unique sizes, up to 30x40 .. prints on stretcher canvas, matboard, gallery wrap, in color, b&w, metallic , ready to hang framed all fed ex directly to your home or office or picked up at the studio in 1-3 days
no limit on poses you can order, no minimums, no limit on changes, no bait and switch, no up sell tricks ! all images created by anthony saluto
traditional color paper........................... kodak portra endura paper matte
metallic paper......................................... Kodak pro endura metallic paper
true digital b&w...................................... ilfords professional black & white
click this image to enlarge
family photo sessions in home are easy on the kids, pets, changes, etc. i suggest 90 to 180 minutes. outdoor portraits are best about an hour before sunset.
Monday, April 17, 2006
portraits delray beach palm beach family commercial photographer